twin birth hospital bag

Packing My Hospital Bag For Twins

I got to be honest with you guys, I way over packed with our first! I think it’s because all those big mama registry sites are trying to get you to buy lots of stuff from them. We learned our lesson and packed much more efficiently the second time around. This is how we packed for our twin birth. You can still use this plan but slightly adjusted for a singleton birth.

Disclaimer: I gave birth a year ago and 3 years ago, not during the COVID-19 pandemic. Make sure you speak with your provider about any COVID-19 related restrictions on what you can and cannot bring. I have read that some hospitals require masks, no outside food is allowed, and no leaving the hospital intermittently. Meaning you must bring everything you’ll need, including the carseats.

Hospital bag items you need to pack

Personal ID

-Insurance card, any other paperwork your provider wants you to bring

Pack like you may have major surgery

-Even if you aren’t planning on a c-section, you should be prepared just in case of an emergency. That means, bring comfy clothes that are loose fitting. You may want to bring your maternity clothes to keep things loose around your lower body. This would also include something comfortable to go home in. These shirts are great to nurse in. I own six in multiple sleeve lengths and colors.


-I like maternity underwear more than high-waisted underwear. High-waisted underwear seemed to fall right over my incision and wasn’t comfortable. These are the best, buy these now!

Nursing bras (if you are nursing)

Nursing bras are comfortable while pregnant and while nursing. Getting the right size and fit is important because being too tight or too loose can affect your milk supply. You should go up a size if your milk hasn’t come in yet. I also like how this one comes with bra extenders. When I was pregnant I wore these all the time because I was so uncomfortable with anything that was too tight around my ribcage.


-Tooth brush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotions, makeup, and hair supplies to keep your hair out of your face.

Your camera or phone to take lots and lots of pictures

-We bought this camera in 2017 when our daughter was born and we absolutely love it. This camera is super easy to use right out of the box and results in amazing pictures. Don’t be intimidated. Even on the automatic setting, the pictures are better quality than an iPhone. It truly makes a difference if photos are important to you. Even if you just use it for special occasions, to us, it has been worth it. Don’t forget the chargers and extra batteries!

Car Seat for on your way home

-This is the car seat we have and love because of the price, safety, and ability to attach to our stroller. Don’t forget to buy two if you’re having twins! If your twins are premature and need to be in the NICU, they may need to pass a car seat test before they can be discharged.

Snacks and drinks

-Your provider may or may not allow this during labor so discuss with them before. Either way, you should bring snacks for your partner so they aren’t hungry or feel the need to leave to get food during the labor. Also, snacks are super important for after delivery so you can eat between meals whenever you’re hungry. I suggest bringing bland, easily digestible snack, like crackers or apple sauce.

An outfit or two for your babies to go home in

-I highly recommend sticking with gowns or sleep n’ plays for the first few months of their lives. They are easy to change and comfortable to sleep in. Plus, they are extremely cute! However, don’t go too crazy with buying baby clothes. They outgrow them quickly and some babies skip the newborn size all together.

A diaper bag with the essentials for the ride home

-You won’t need much, maybe just an extra diaper, pair of clothes, wet-wipes, burp rag, bib, and receiving blanket. I will do another blog post of what I keep in my diaper bag.


-Just a reminder, if your partner is planning on staying with you, make sure they pack these things as well!

Hospital bag items that are optional

Your birth plan

-Birth plans are great, especially when it is your first. However, keep an open mind, be flexible, and have a good attitude about it. I love the saying, “The only thing you can plan on is birthing a baby!”

A nice outfit or two for baby/family portraits

-At the hospital where we delivered our first born, they have a professional photographer come take family and newborn photos (and they give you the option to purchase them later like at an amusement park). When our twins were born we ended up using our own camera. These photos are incredibly important to us. This is a good time to think ahead for outfits that may look nice together.

Your own pillow

-Some people are really particular about their pillows and sometimes the birth unit might run out of pillows. Crazy right? There will almost always be extra pillows for mama, but the birth partner does not get the same amount of service.

Slippers and sandals

-All these are cute and comforting but you don’t need to bring them. The hospital provides grippy socks that I think are really comfortable.


Again, these are provided but some are just happier bringing and using their own.

Hospital bag items specifically for twins

Twin nursing pillow

If you are planning on breastfeeding, I would highly recommend buying a twin size nursing pillow. I LOVE this nursing pillow. I seriously cannot say enough good things about it. It’s big, supportive, easy to adjust, and effective for tandem breastfeeding twins.

Now that being said, you don’t have to bring this to the hospital if you don’t want to lug it around. It is ginormous. I didn’t buy this pillow until we were at the hospital and decided to breastfeed the babies. Yes, I didn’t decide to breastfeed until after the babies were born! I just used many pillows at the hospital and had the help of the nurses. That worked fine at the hospital. However, some people want to bring their own nursing pillows to get help from the lactation consultants and get comfortable with their pillows before they head home.

Things you don’t need to bring

Postpartum feminine pads/healing supplies

-Again, unless you have something you specifically want, the hospital has pads, diapers, icepacks, underwear, medication, numbing spray, all the tricks to help you feel more comfortable as you heal. Oh man, those witch hazel hemorrhoid pads and numbing spray are the bomb!

Belly Binders

-If you are having a c-section, your unit should provide a belly binder for you. If you are planning on having a c-section, talk with your provider first to make sure they have some on the unit. This belly binder is similar to the one I had if you need another one or your unit doesn’t provide them. To read about my c-section recovery click here.

You don’t need to bring outfits for each day, only a few.

-This is because you will probably live in a gown the entire first day or two. I didn’t feel up to getting dressed for at least the first day with my first, and the first two days with the c-section.

Tons of baby outfits and blankets

-The hospital probably has white baby onesies and cute blankets and hats. Yes, it might be fun to bring an outfit or two or your new favorite blanket for pictures. However, there is a good chance these will get dirty with their spit up, poop, or blood from blood tests.

Baby diapers, wipes, baby formula and bottles

-Unless you already know from the start you want to use clothe diapers or a certain formula, the hospital has these you can use that are included in your stay. So, you might as well grab all the extra diapers and wipes in your babies’ bassinet before you leave!

Anything I missed? Ask me a question or leave a message in the comments!

If you want to read about our twins’ birth story click here.

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